RAW with The Recipe - Part 3 from The Music Lounge on Vimeo.
The Recipe Bio
The Recipe is an Independent Label focusing on promoting its artists though live gigs, social events and media exposure. It began as a project to create a compilation album that included the best hiphop artists in the U.A.E. but in the process it became bigger than anyone expected. From the first gig in March, 2009, The Recipe had established themselves as ground breakers to the scene. With the launch of Young Vaughn's, The New School Cool album, the media was shocked to find a group that was serious about their grass-roots tactics and could produce a product of commercial quality. The label is currently promoting the project that brought them all together, The Recipe Mixtape Vol. 1, and are performing at various events within the region.
More videos:
Part 1: The Rehersal
Part 2: The Warm-Up
Part 3: The Show
Part 4: The Interview 1
Part 5: The Interview 2